Tomorrow is our Beach Bunny pizza party!

Tomorrow is our monthly North County Beach Bunny meeting. This is our second annual pizza party and it is one of the favorite monthly themes.

Everyone brings their favorite pizza and shares it with the others there. It is not necessary to bring a bunny to come and no one RSVPs. Just show up and enjoy the company of bunny lover’s like yourself.

It is a family event so all ages are welcome, but no alcohol is allowed at the beach or the park. Do not forget your X-pen, litter box and water bowl, if you bring a bun.

This is the perfect opportunity for southern California bunny families to socialize and enjoy our fabulous weather. Rabbit educators are always on hand to help those who have questions about rabbit issues. There are lots of experienced bunny slaves there to answer all your bunny related questions.

Sunset at one of our beach meetings.

Check out our future and past events with pix at the website:

The Bunny Guy

Getting Closer!

I am nearing completion of the website and publication of my book. The small details of the site should be done by tomorrow, which is when I am due to receive my copy of the proofread book.

Once it is delivered to me, it should only take me a couple of days to attack the changes in the copy and upload it to my publisher for a proof copy. I anticipate uploading it no later than Monday morning and hope to be able to get my copy back within a week.

Once I have that proof copy in hand, I can approve the book to be released to the public. This should be sometime between Feb 5th and 8th, which is my birthday. What a great birthday present to finally get this book out there.

There have been dozens of people who have offered to buy a copy of the book and I have a lot of marketing to do in order to make it a success, but I am optimistic about it’s prospects. At the very least, I plan on it making a difference for hundreds if not thousands of rabbit’s lives.

Check back next week for my next blog entry, which I have written about the “Cuteness Factor”. I should have my book on sale on the site at that time. I plan to take orders about a week before it is released, so you will be able to get your copy ordered then.

Wish me luck!

The Bunny Guy

Rabbits Are A Very Misunderstood Pet


The Bunny Guy with his three buns - Ricky, Lucy, and Star

12 Jan. 2012

Lagomorphs are an often misunderstood pet and I know because I have made all the common mistakes that often happens to these lovable fragile critters. When we get our first rabbit, whether it is planned or unplanned; the way he is housed and cared for depends on how we have seen other people do it in our past.

If all you have ever known is people who keep a bunny in a hutch in the back yard, then it seems most logical to go about setting up an abode like this for your own new rabbit. The real problem is that most in the public are ignorant about how to house and feed a pet rabbit. So our chances of being exposed to the proper ways to do these things are pretty slim.

I have found from my own efforts at educating the public that fully four out of five people who currently have a rabbit, do not know the correct way to feed or house their bunny. Of course, this leads to many conflicts and issues, making the bunny an unwelcome house pet. This is one of the main reasons that so many rabbits end up being dropped off at the local shelter or worse.

It is also common for people to have pet rabbits for dozens of years and never learn any more than they knew when they first got one. People have told me that they have owned rabbits for decades and they still keep them in the back yard inside a cage. Often, they will tell me that they have never heard of a rabbit living indoors. I find this amazing.

For me, having rabbits has been a journey and each one has taught me a little more about themselves, until I became compelled to start seeking out the knowledge that at the time was not readily available. Now with the internet, you can learn all kinds of things about bunnies that used to require purchasing a whole pile of books, most of which were geared towards farmers or breeders.

We are currently in the “pioneer days”, when it comes to pet house rabbits. So much is being learned all the time about them by the rabbit vet specialists and their owners. A few years ago the thought of a pet rabbit getting to be fourteen or fifteen years old was unheard of. The current new knowledge about a proper diet and health care has improved the lifespan of bunnies everywhere by many years.

If you love your pet bunny, you will want to go out of your way to learn the latest health tips so that you can extend the life of your rabbit manyfold. A good diet if very important in longterm rabbit health. Many rabbit lovers have a tendency to overfeed or to give too many unhealthy treats to their bunnies. They do not do it out of malevolence, but rather it is done lovingly, which makes this lack of knowledge even more insidious. We end up “loving our bunnies to death” from giving them too many sweet treats, such as fruit or raisins.

One of the hardest things for a bunny lover to resist is when their cute little fur-faced friend comes up and starts begging for that treat they know you have. Most of cannot resist a persistent bun, especially when they pull at our heart-strings by giving us that look that they know works most of the time. haha

I have gone completely away from any sweet fruit treats for my rabbits. The concept that a treat is sweet is a human one and your rabbits would just as much enjoy a sprig of parsley or cilantro. Of course, it does not help that rabbits have a terrible “sweet tooth”, but you will find that they will forget about the sweet treats quickly, if you remove them from his diet.

I have started giving my bunnies “healthy” snacks when it is time for them to get a treat and they love them just as much as the pieces of banana or other fruit that they used to get. In a future feature, I will explain in detail how I learned this the hard way and discovered that the sugar in those treats actually upset my rabbit’s digestive system. I think you will find the story very interesting.

My plan is to get as many bunny lovers reading my stories and anecdotes in hopes that they will learn the lessons I have learned the easy way, instead of the hard way like I had to do. I want to help make a difference for rabbits everywhere. I guess I am just crazy about rabbits, but then how can you not love a bunny?

The Bunny Guy