About The Bunny Guy

The Bunny Guy is passionate about house rabbits and educating the public on bunny care, behavior, and health. Monthly original articles about diet, litter box training, indoor living arrangements, and much more!

Don’t Freak Out, It’s Normal

I get people calling me all the time in a panic because their rabbit just left a big puddle of bright orange or red pee. They want to know what kind of awful disease that their bunny must have in order for him to eliminate in such vivid colors.

My answer is always the same: red or orange pee does not really mean anything and that your rabbit can occassionally pee those colors. It does not mean that there is anything wrong.

More importantly, you will want to watch your rabbit’s urine for signs of bladder sludge. Rabbit’s urine is very high in calcium, which does not dissolve well in solution. It can precipitate out very easily and it is quite common for enough calcium precipitate to be left in their bladders, which causes a serious problem called bladder sludge.

If your bunny’s urine appears gritty or thick in texture, this is a real concern. A rabbit’s bladder has the unique disadvantage of having it’s entrance and exit being near the top. This allows calcium to settle out and form a sludge that gets trapped at the bottom of their bladder. It can even form bladder stones, which an HRS friend’s rabbit is at the vet this very minute getting surgery to try and remove. They are painful and can cause other issues such as stasis or lack of appetite due to the stress and pain.

If you see crystals or grit in your bunny’s pee, it means that he needs to see his vet before the condition becomes chronic. Bladder sludge and stones are a very difficult situation for which treatment is not always effective. Sometimes surgery is necessary to correct the condition and other times the vet can express or remove it through other therapies.

The bottom line is do not wait until your rabbit is in agony to deal with the situation. Don’t worry about the technicolor urine if he makes it, but rather always be aware of the texture of his pee. That is the key to noticing the most common issue that rabbits experience with their bladders.

Bladder sludge is a common and serious problem that is much easier to fix if caught early. Please don’t make the mistake of ignoring the early signs. A good bunny parent stays in tune with their bunny and notices little things like this.

Rabbits are very good at hiding their illnesses and so you must be proactive when caring for them by checking their water and food intake daily. Observe their litter box to insure there are poops present every day and be on the lookout for any indication that sludge may be present.

No More Impulse Rabbits!

I know it has been a few weeks since I have updated this blog, but since my book was  published a month ago, I have been consumed with promoting it and getting the sales going. I am happy to report that the sales have quadrupled from what they were last month and I really hope that trend continues.

Today I sent copies of the book to several bunny-centric websites in hopes that they will like it and want to carry it to sell. I am working on getting everyone who buys a copy to review the book on Amazon, so that we can get higher rankings and therefore be seen by more people.

Yesterday was a very nice Easter Sunday for us, because the Beach Bunnies had a meeting again at Buccaneer Beach. We were collecting chocolate rabbits to donate to a local women’s shelter and ended up dropping off 27 chocolate rabbits for the children of abused women, which is almost double what we gave them last year.

We also had a busy Saturday educating the public at a Petco Unleashed, which I felt was very appropriate the day before Easter. My wife and I talked to dozens of people and it was good to visit with the two HRS fosters that we brought with us. Both of the foster rabbits were slated to be euthanized at a local shelter we work at for nipping, before the HRS pulled them from the shelter.

I totally escapes me how the shelters can justify putting a bunny to sleep for nipping, when it is part of being a bunny to do so. Rabbits communicate by nipping and I personally feel that nipping is normal rabbit behavior. My lap bunny, Star nips me every day. It is her way of telling me something.

Nipping by a bunny is a sign of good self esteem and confidence. A rabbit who does not have those good qualities usually will not nip, unless completely terrified or cornered. My bunnies nip me BECAUSE they are not afraid of me and are only trying to communicate something when they do it.

YES, there are some highly socialize bunnies who have been taught not to nip, but this takes a lot of work and trust on the part of the rabbit. I believe that basically all rabbits were born to nip.

There is a huge difference between biting and nipping. When a bunny nips, he is usually communicating something. In rabbit communication, a nip is like a human giving another the elbow. It means that you are clueless and missing something and to get with it.

When a rabbit bites, you are going to lose a hunk of skin. A biting rabbit intends to hurt you and is seriously angry or trying to defend himself. Virtually all rabbits nip at one time or another and it’s intention is not to cause serious bodily harm. Trust me if a rabbit wanted to harm you by biting, you are going to be bleeding when he is done.

A nip might occasionally break the skin, but in most cases will not. If it does, it is only because a bunny’s teeth are so sharp. For me, it is usually just a sharp pinch that hurts, but does not cause injury.

Back to the subject of shelters euthanizing for nipping. I feel this is absurd. To me this is like putting a dog to sleep for barking.

I realize after working for years with the shelters that they have a huge problem. More animals are usually coming in than are being adopted. Many critters spend months if not a full year waiting for a new home. The result of this is that any excuse to get rid of an animal becomes a serious and lethal one. It is a matter of space and economics, but the shelters are not the ones to blame.

Ultimately, the guilt falls onto the public who create the situation of many thousands of homeless animals, rabbits included. Rabbits are a particularly difficult problem in many communities because people obtain them from pet stores or craigslist on an impulse. It pains me to see rabbits for sale in the malls, because I know that most of them will be bought by people on an impulse.

They will be strolling along and see a cute rabbit in a mall store window. Even though fifteen minutes ago they had not idea that they wanted a pet rabbit, they were now the proud owner of a tiny baby one.

Once they get their newly purchased pet rabbit home, the problems start because they are totally unprepared. Their homes are not bunny-proofed and they do not usually have proper cages or x-pens for them. One local pet shop was selling rabbits for $10 last week in the days before Easter. Most of these impulse bunnies are bought for around $20 and when the new owners find out that it will be around $300 to have her spayed, it just does not happen.

It is then that things usually go from bad to worse. Carpets get chewed, as do the computer cords and TV cable. It is not long before the rabbit ends up locked in a backyard hutch or cage… or even worse let to run loose in the yard.

Many people will bring home a male bunny, who soon as he reaches sexual maturity will start spraying to mark his territory. He will soon be banned from the house because the owners never get him neutered and so that behavior will not ever end.

The public needs to become more informed about pet rabbits, so that they do not impulsively get them before preparing their home and family for what is involved in having one. It is too late when after you get a rabbit home to find out that one of your children or spouse is allergic to the fur or hay.

I cannot tell you how many rabbits have been returned to the shelter for this reason. I can only imagine how many store bought bunnies are disposed off for this, since pet stores don’t take rabbits back if it doesn’t work out like the shelters do.

Our local HRS gives classes to try and educate the public about how to care for, house and feed a pet bunny, but they are poorly attended considering the percentage of people who have rabbits and know virtually nothing about them. When I talk to people at educational events, I would venture to say that fully 80 percent of the folks who have a rabbit today, are not properly feeding, housing or caring for them. That is a very high percentage and just because you have had pet rabbits for 20 years does not mean that you know a lot about rabbits.

These are the same people who tell me that their rabbits only live to be 5 or 6 years old and thoroughly believe that it is normal for them to live that long. Most are shocked when I tell them that they live to be at least twice that old.

I will be the first to say that I had rabbits for 20 years myself and thought the same thing. It was a rude awakening when I finally realized that all of my previous rabbits had died an early death.

We have a lot of work to do to change this vicious cycle of impulsive buying of rabbits and then ending up at the shelters. It will only happen through education. Every one of us that loves bunnies needs to make a small effort to educate those around us.

Just like a YouTube video goes viral, we need to get this information about pet rabbits into the viral mode. It needs to be something that gets talked about over and over until a majority of the public understands that rabbits are not disposable pets. That rabbits are not a good kid’s pet. Even that rabbits are intelligent highly interactive pets, but that they are expensive and high maintenance. They are simply not for everyone. They are a ten year commitment that needs not be entered into lightly.

If this can be done, then someday people will consider the consequences of getting a pet rabbit just like they would a cat or a dog. It is possible and while it may not happen in my lifetime, I believe that someday it WILL happen.

The way it all starts is for you to tell someone you know all about rabbits. If enough people start saying the truth, it will become common knowledge. That is what I hope is in the future for all pet bunnies, don’t you?

The Bunny Guy

9 Common Causes Of Rabbit Poisoning

1. Human Medications

You must never give medications meant for humans to your rabbit, unless you are specifically instructed by your rabbit’s vet. Never leave your medications in a place where curious rabbits can get to them to nibble on. We all know how bunnies can hop up onto impossible places, unexpectedly. Most human medications are very toxic for a bunny. Even benign over-the-counter medicines such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can kill your rabbit. Simply don’t leave them laying around in your rabbit’s areas.

2. Insecticides

Insecticide poisoning is much more common than you might think. Almost all bug killers will also kill your rabbit, some in very small doses. Insecticides are intentionally formulated to last a very long time, so their residue can remain for many months. Never use or store insecticides around your rabbit’s abode or play areas.

3. People Food

Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to rabbits. Humans have an enzyme that breaks down this toxic substance, but rabbits don’t. Too much chocolate will cause a high heart rate and seizures for your bunny. Another common toxic food is xylitol (the sugar substitute). Xylitol can cause seizures and liver failure in your pet. one very common human food that can be fatal for your rabbit is chewing gum. If they ingest gum, it can create an obstruction that will not digest. Should you discover that your rabbit has eaten any of these things, it is cause for an emergency visit to his vet.

4. Household Products

Most household detergents and cleaning products can be toxic for your bunny. Never use anything but a diluted vinegar and water solution to clean their abode areas and litter box. If you must use another type of cleaner, try and find an organic cleaner or rinse very thoroughly to remove all traces of it before allowing your rabbit into that spot.

5. Veterinary Medications

Another common toxicity problem is when rabbits receive the wrong amount or wrong medication that was prescribed by his vet. Be certain to go over dosage amounts and times with your vet BEFORE you leave his office. If in doubt, call him and clarify it before giving it to him. Medication dosages for rabbits are precisely measured according to their weight. It is very easy to give him too much, if you are not careful. Never skip dosages and never substitute medication from other pets.

6. Rat & Mice Poisons

You must be extremely careful when putting out poisonous bait for rodents, if at all. You can never let your rabbit become exposed to these deadly products. Most baits are grain based, which can be enticing for a rabbit. Just a few nibbles can result in a slow and painful death for your bunny. Best to not employ these types of rodenticides on your property if you have rabbits.

7. Plants

Most house plants are poisonous to bunnies. Rabbits have lost the ability to distinguish between good and bad foods since becoming domesticated, so rabbits will often ingest parts of a house plant if they can get to it. You should also be careful that plants do not drop or shed leaves and flowers into your rabbit’s area. When allowing your rabbit his supervised play time in the yard, you must be very careful to not allow him to ingest toxic plants that may be present there, as well. Many common backyard plants are poisonous.

8. Lawn and Garden Products

When letting your rabbits run and play on the grass, you must insure that no fertilizers or herbacides have recently been applied. Many public parks now regularly treat their grass with strong long-lasting herbacides to reduce weeds in their grass. These chemicals have been shown to be very bad for pets who eat and play on this grass.

9. Automotive Products

Poisonous anti-freeze and automotive chemicals should never be present in the areas that your rabbit lives, but that does not mean that there are not bunnies who are poisoned by these substances every year. Keep them away from curious bunnies to avoid any chance of accidental poisoning.

If you have any reason to suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, please contact your rabbit veterinarian immediately.

What’s Up With Stew-pid People?

Seven buns out for a walk at the street fair last week.

As you know, I take my rabbits out of the house with me all the time and whenever I am at a large event with a lot of people, I always seem to hear the same stupid comment at least once during my outing: “MMmm, rabbit stew!”

Often I will hear this same ridiculous utterance a couple of times in the same day and I can never figure out why so many people feel compelled to make this ignorant statement. When I took my bunnies to the street fair last week, I was barely into the crowd when a guy stopped me to tell me that he used to raise rabbits… and then eat them! Then the fool goes, “YUM.”

Now I actually have no problem with rabbits who are raised for food and eaten. I am not a vegetarian and so I cannot expect other non-vegetarians to not eat rabbit. What I have a problem with is someone inferring that they want to eat my pet rabbit!

To me this is no different than if I was from an Asian country where they eat dogs regularly and coming up to an American to tell him that I want to eat his German Shepherd for lunch. I think it is a cruel and crass thing to say to someone about their pet, regardless if it is a dog, rabbit or pet pig.

Yet, rarely will a week go by when I do not hear someone tell me this. I find it appalling and rude, to say the least.

Most people say it as if they were making a joke, but more often than not, there is a slight tone of being mean spirited with their sarcastic statement. My wife and I are very quick to reply that we do not find this funny at all. Some people just smirk and laugh because they know that their arrow hit it’s mark.

I used to just ignore people when they used to say it to me, but I am a believer that ignorance should be painful and if I could give the person a Benny Hill slap upside the head, maybe it would make them think twice before saying that to another pet rabbit owner.

So please do me a favor; if you see me with my rabbits out for a walk in their strollers, please do not approach me to tell me that you want to eat my rabbits. It just tells me that you are truly a stew-pid person with no regards for other people’s feelings.

The Bunny Guy

Gourmet Hay & Pellets For Rabbits

You can almost excuse the public for buying these carelessly thought out products that populate the shelves of virtually every pet store in America, but I cannot let the companies that produce this junk off the hook. They are not thinking of the health of our pets and I feel it is shameless that they produce and sell such terrible products, most of which are not good for your rabbit.

Anyone who knows ANYTHING about rabbits knows that they need to have a very high fiber diet that is about 80-90 percent grass hays. They also know that rabbits have a voracious sweet tooth and will gravitate to all the wrong foods, just like most children.

I am only going to discuss gourmet pellets and hay in this article, but most of the other treats produced by the large pet companies are awful for your bunny as well, including all treats with seeds and nuts, yogurt or dairy and those with lots of flour and sugar as main ingredients.

We as our rabbit’s quasi parents, need to gently guide them into eating what we know is best for them, just as we would our own human children. In that quest, many bunny moms and dads will wrongly turn to gourmet pellets and hay. They often think that by putting carrots, corn, dried peas, and all kinds of other unhealthy treats into the mix, that they will be eating more hay and therefore getting more of “the good stuff”.

In practice, it never works that way. Rabbits are foragers and will pick through every piece of hay to find the best pieces. Just watch a rabbit eat and you will see this. When giving them a mix with lots of treats inside, you will see your bunny eat every single treat piece first and leave all the stuff that you really wanted him to eat in the first place.

Only when every single treat piece is gone, will you see them turning to the relatively boring hay or pellets you gave them. While I can understand why some people try the hay varieties, the gourmet pellet varieties are just silly and illogical. Rabbits should not have very many pellets each day, if at all and making it even more potentially harmful for your pet by adding a bunch of junk does not make sense.

When I talk to people in the public about their rabbits during my educational efforts, you would be surprised to find out how many people out there buy and feed this stuff to their bunnies. They tell me that they love their pet and want to give him something extra special. What they do not know is that their loving gesture is in reality not a good thing.

I condemn the large pet companies who make this stuff, because they promote and sell it, knowing that most of it is not good for our pets. We assume because of their vast resources and marketing that they would never sell something that is bad or actually harmful for our bunnies. That general assumption could not be further from the truth.

These types of products have now spawned a new breed of less harmful merchandise where herbs and dried carrots, etc. have been inserted into bags of Timothy hay. This is probably due to the fact that many pet rabbits will not eat the pet store hay that these companies sell. It is too dried out and old and most rabbits like their grass hays fresh and somewhat moist.

Many rabbit owners confuse their rabbits not wanting old store bought hay into meaning that they do not like to eat hay. These people think that if they get a treat hay with all these things in there, that their rabbit will become healthier and eat more hay.

The truth is if the bunny’s parents sought out and provided fresher, tastier hay, that their bun would eat it non-stop. I have yet to meet a rabbit who simply will not eat aromatic fresh green hay, but they will always defer to tastier and sweeter foods like herbs and carrots if it is available. The problem arises when they eat so much of these other things and do not eat enough of their hay. The treats replace large amounts of hay that would normally otherwise be eaten.

I think a more healthy and logical strategy would be to find a source for tasty fresh Timothy hay or Orchard grass for your bunny and then supplement it with good healthy treats that you provide on the side, when it is appropriate. You can find fresh herbs or very small pieces of fresh carrots at your grocery store and control the amount that they get and the quality, too. Fresh foods are almost always better than dried and preserved varieties. If your bunny is getting a small variety of healthy leafy greens and herbs each day (equal to twice the size of his head), then he will be receiving the best possible diet, along with his unlimited fresh hay.

He does not even need rabbit pellets at all to be healthy and certainly not gourmet pellets. The gourmet hays are not the answer, either. While I do not feel that they are nearly as harmful, they are not the way to get your rabbit to relish his daily meals of hay. Find your local feed store and if you cannot use and store a whole bale of fresh Timothy hay, then ask them to sell you a couple of flakes or a large bag full. Most will do this and then you do not have to store a complete bale.

Be certain to keep it very dry and out of the direct sun. Moisture is the enemy of your rabbit’s hay because it can cause mold, which can be toxic for your bun. We use tight sealing plastic garbage cans that have never been used for trash to store our hay. There are some nice plastic bins available online for storing bales of hay, should you decide to go that route.

Each of my rabbits eats about 8-10 pounds of hay a month. So with my three rabbits it would take a little over three months to use a whole bale of hay. A person with just one bunny will probably find that it is not practical to buy and store bales of hay, unless they have other critters that are eating it, too.

We are lucky here in San Diego, because our local House Rabbit Society buys bales of hay and repackages it into boxes to sell to the public through several outlets around the county. It raises money for the organization to use to provide medical care for rabbits and the public get very fresh hay in manageable amounts to give to their bunnies. What a great win-win for us all!

If you have a rescue organization in some other area of the USA, you might find this is a great way to raise funds and provide a great service to the rabbit lovers in your area. Most people whose rabbit will not eat pet store hay, will suddenly eat tons of it when given fresh stuff. If the pet food companies would find a way to deliver fresher tastier hay to public, they could forget about having to produce the gourmet treat varieties to get rabbits to eat it.

Just the opinion of…
The Bunny Guy

The “Cuteness” Factor

I have observed that the chance of a rabbit getting poorly adopted from a shelter or impulsively bought at a pet store is directly proportional to how cute he or she is. I always worry when a new super cute dwarf or over-friendly loppie gets brought in and it is not because I am worried that they are going to languish there for a long time.

Actually, just the opposite is the case. Those “cute” types of rabbits rarely last more than two weeks in the shelter awaiting adoption, while other types of rabbits can wait for six to twelve months before someone decides to take them home.

People often ask me, “Is that really a curse”? While I feel the answer is not just a black and white one, I feel that many times it is. One can hardly go wrong bringing home a lovable friendly lop-ear rabbit, yet I cannot tell you how many times one has been returned to the shelter after six or more months of being at an adopter’s home.

I think the main reason that this happens is that the person who adopted the bunny was not prepared for what bringing a rabbit home was all about. So many people who adopt a rabbit on impulse do not give any thought about where or how a rabbit is going to be housed and cared for until AFTER they have brought him home.

They may have had good intentions and when they turned the rabbit loose to run free in the home, but that is a recipe for disaster. A unbunny-proofed home is no place for a new rabbit to roam. Inevitably there ends up being a lot of damage to computer and phone cords, not to mention other miscellaneous things that get chewed on, too.

Very often this results in the new rabbit being banished to a quickly built hutch out in the back yard. This never turns out well for the bunny and it is actually a blessing if his parents DO decide to return him to the shelter. Otherwise, he will live out his days very lonely and often not receiving the proper diet or care.

The other scenario that I have seen a hundred times is a small highly energetic and active Dward rabbit, such as a Netherland Dwarf being adopted within days of coming to the shelter. The people who bring him home were seduced into adopting him by his small size and “cuteness”. What they do not realize at the time, is that these high energy bunnies are best adopted by experienced rabbit lovers who know how to bunny-proof every nook and cranny of their home and to exercise the rabbit so that he does not become frustrated.

Sometimes the family will adjust and learn how to keep this tiny bundle of energy busy and end up with a happy rabbit. Too often, I hear them say, “What was I thinking” when they brought him home from the shelter because they do not understand until it is too late that they have taken on a huge responsibility.

I have found that larger rabbits and breeds that are not in high demand spend a lot more time in the shelter, waiting for their new forever homes. The good news is that when someone comes in looking for this kind of rabbit and adopts him, that it usually ends up being a better situation with people who know and have had rabbits before. I have many “happy ending” stories with these type of bunnies whom I have cared for at our shelter. It is what keeps me going, knowing that some rabbits do end up with a much better life after they are there.

My biggest worry is for the buns who are hastily adopted, usually by people who were sucked in by the “cuteness” factor. I always try and coach these people to take a step back and go become a little educated about the big step that they are about to take. If all of the adoption staff at shelters would coach potential adopters this way, it would lead to far better adoptions at the shelters.

To my disdain, many shelters are operating on a revolving door agenda where they need to adopt out as many of their charges as they can to make room for the new critters coming in. For them, it is the only way that they can keep from running out of room and being forced to destroy some animals that they cannot care for. While some shelters are moving away from this model, the harsh reality is that most cannot afford to. There is simply not enough space or money to care for unlimited animals that way.

I can only hope that “most” of these hastily made adoptions turn out well, but I know from seeing some of the results that there are some that do not. This is why I tend to feel sorry for the very friendly or overly cute new buns who come to the shelter. I know that their “handicap” will make them more vulnerable to a “bad” adoption.

California Taking A Huge Step Backward

A shocking proposal by Governor Jerry Brown wants animal shelters in California to no longer be required to hold cats and dogs for more than 72 hours. Shelters would not have to provide veterinary care to animals who need it, and rabbits, reptiles, and other animals could legally be euthanized as soon as they arrive.

Over the years I have been working at the local animal shelter, I have seen a slow improvement for the homeless animals, but this proposal will set all of our efforts back decades.

Please make a brief, polite phone call today to Governor Brown’s office at 916-445-2841, and ask him to scrap his proposal to remove basic protections for shelter animals.

On another subject:

I received my book proofs last night and I am extremely happy with how they look, except for the cover. For some reason, the printer chose to change the design by the way that they trimmed the book cover and I find it takes a lot away from the presentation.

We are waiting for a response from the printer before telling them to submit the book to Amazon for sale. They promised a response within 24 hours,. so it should not be long.

I have been working on the ebook non-stop for the last week. I had to completely relearn how to lay it out, since the ebook publishers will not accept a book that is not done in MS Word. I spent weeks learning how to do it in Adobe InDesign and now I am having to relearn the process all over again.

I have figured out the system and I have the first 1/3 of the book done and expect to finish the ebook by the end of this week. YIPPIE!

Waiting For Proofs of the Book

As with any monumental undertaking, there are always set-backs and problems and my book has been no different. I uploaded the newly proofread edition of my book to the publisher site and found that because I had added about 30 more pages to it, that the margins I had designed were no longer big enough. ARGH!

That meant I had to layout the book again from cover to cover. One thing that made it easier was to enlarge the final size of the book. I was able to do that but it also meant I needed a new cover. After I made the cover larger, too I am not sure I like the way it looks.

I went ahead and ordered proof copies, but I may end up changing the cover again in order to get exactly what I want. Meanwhile, I have to wait until Monday to receive my proofs. Only when I have seen the complete book printed out, will I know if all the writing, layout and graphix are what I had envisioned.

If everything goes according to plan, I will be able to upload a new cover and publish the book within the next week. I am very anxious and nervous at the same time after over eight months of work.

This weekend I have an educational event that I do monthly at a Petco store and then Sunday is the Superbowl, so I will have things to keep me busy. Come Monday, I will be chomping at the bit to see the fruits of my labor. I am praying for the need for minimal fixes and reworking to the book, so I can go ahead and release it.

I was very disappointed to find that I would not be able to simply convert the book into an ebook, like I had thought. With so many graphics, it was going to take another layout job to make it work in e-readers. I will be starting work on that project next week, as soon as I put the printed book to bed.

So for now, I will just keep on “trucking… what a long strange trip it has been.”

The Bunny Guy

Tomorrow is our Beach Bunny pizza party!

Tomorrow is our monthly North County Beach Bunny meeting. This is our second annual pizza party and it is one of the favorite monthly themes.

Everyone brings their favorite pizza and shares it with the others there. It is not necessary to bring a bunny to come and no one RSVPs. Just show up and enjoy the company of bunny lover’s like yourself.

It is a family event so all ages are welcome, but no alcohol is allowed at the beach or the park. Do not forget your X-pen, litter box and water bowl, if you bring a bun.

This is the perfect opportunity for southern California bunny families to socialize and enjoy our fabulous weather. Rabbit educators are always on hand to help those who have questions about rabbit issues. There are lots of experienced bunny slaves there to answer all your bunny related questions.

Sunset at one of our beach meetings.

Check out our future and past events with pix at the website:


The Bunny Guy

Getting Closer!

I am nearing completion of the website and publication of my book. The small details of the site should be done by tomorrow, which is when I am due to receive my copy of the proofread book.

Once it is delivered to me, it should only take me a couple of days to attack the changes in the copy and upload it to my publisher for a proof copy. I anticipate uploading it no later than Monday morning and hope to be able to get my copy back within a week.

Once I have that proof copy in hand, I can approve the book to be released to the public. This should be sometime between Feb 5th and 8th, which is my birthday. What a great birthday present to finally get this book out there.

There have been dozens of people who have offered to buy a copy of the book and I have a lot of marketing to do in order to make it a success, but I am optimistic about it’s prospects. At the very least, I plan on it making a difference for hundreds if not thousands of rabbit’s lives.

Check back next week for my next blog entry, which I have written about the “Cuteness Factor”. I should have my book on sale on the site at that time. I plan to take orders about a week before it is released, so you will be able to get your copy ordered then.

Wish me luck!

The Bunny Guy